The bacon deluge

We were settling in for a nice quiet recovery from the Great American Beer Festival when the email server started going bonkers this morning. It was a quite pleasant surprise to find an article up on MSNBC's main page offering kind words about our Bacon Brown Ale. A lot of people have been in touch with us about the beer, asking where they can find it, and if we ship it out of state. We'll be doing our best to get back to everyone who wrote, but in the meantime:

1. Yes, it does exist. Our Bacon Brown Ale is a CCOF Certified Organic beer that's brewed with bacon and buckwheat.

2. For the near term the Bacon Brown is only available on draft at a few select locations in Santa Cruz, California. We'll be brewing another batch in the coming weeks. Assuming that all the labels get through the approval process smoothly, there will be 16oz cans of Bacon Brown Ale joining the rest of our lineup before the end of the year.

3. Keep an eye out for our beers, and definitely ask for them if you don't see them, in Whole Foods, BevMo, and other quality markets and liquor stores around the Bay Area. We'll be starting up distribution in the Sacramento and I-80 corridor in the coming weeks. Further afield, it's possible to find our beers in Oregon, Nevada, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. As soon as the Bacon Brown cans are finished we'll be doing a big push with our distributors in those states to get it out in draft and onto store shelves.

cheers, alec
