Growth in down times

There's a lot of talk, as we prepare for the new year, about how rough things are in the economy.

Rough? We didn't know any better. The country has been in recession for a year, and Uncommon Brewers only started sales in June, so it's been all uphill as far as we've been concerned.

On that note, keep an eye on this space (blog?), for news about a retail deal. One of our beers, the Siamese Twin Ale, may be a lot easier to find starting in 2009.

And as the new year starts, we've sent one of our brewers, Matt, to Sacramento. We're barely out of the starting gate and our team is already being poached. He is, of course, brewing on a beautiful system several decades more advanced than ours, and we hope that he remembers what it was like to live in fear of our chiller.

The outlook for the coming year is good. We're going to be brewing like mad, and bringing some really fun beers to market. Bacon, anyone?

-Uncommon Brewers
